
Contracts and modifications awarded by the City of Chicago from 1993 to present.

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Description: Contracts and modifications awarded by the City of Chicago since 1993. This data is maintained in the City’s Financial Management and Purchasing System (FMPS) and is used throughout the City for contract management and payment.

DUR in the Award Amount column means that the contract award total Depends Upon Requirements. A Depends Upon Requirements contract is an indefinite quantities contract in which the city places orders as needed. The vendor is not guaranteed any particular contract award amount. 

Only “blanket contracts” (contracts for repeated purchases) have FMPS end dates.  Standard contracts (for example, construction contracts) terminate upon completion and acceptance of all deliverables. These dates are tracked outside of FMPS.

Data Owner: Procurement Services

Time Period: 1993 to present

Frequency: Data is updated daily

Related Applications: City of Chicago Contracts and Awards

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