May 16, 2011

Mayor-elect Emanuel Announces Findings of the Chicago 2011 Transition Report

Previously posted on May 10, 2011

This morning, Mayor-elect Emanuel, joined by transition team leaders, announced the findings of the Chicago 2011 Transition Report. The report outlines an ambitious and aggressive agenda for the Emanuel administration and includes goals for the first 100 days as well as the first year and term to ensure accountability and effective implementation.

"During the campaign, I pledged to bring change to city government. I proposed a top to bottom review of city government to ask how we can deliver high-quality services to taxpayers at a lower cost," said the Mayor-elect. "I am proud of my transition team's work - not just the results, but the process. The team's work was informed by a rich diversity of perspectives. And it called on all Chicagoans to become involved in the search for solutions. These are the principles that will guide the work of city government moving forward."

To read a copy of the full report and the agenda for the first 100 days, visit


Road Map to Chicago's Future: The First 100 Days

Reducing the Cost of Government

The Emanuel administration will cut $75 million from the City budget during this fiscal year. Immediately upon taking office, revenue and finance, as well as general services and fleet management will be consolidated. Regulations and fees will be reviewed and streamlined. The city will centralize, professionalize and reform the procurement process to be more open and cost-effective. Performance metrics will be implemented to establish clear standards for service delivery.  

Ensuring Public Safety

The City will implement One Summer Chicago, in cooperation with Cook County, reducing summer violence by engaging at-risk youth in positive activities and creating models from effective programs. Key public safety departments will coordinate their public safety plans and neighborhood efforts will be encouraged and incorporated into city-wide initiatives.

Strengthening Our Schools

The Mayor-elect is committed to providing students across Chicago access to choices in their education, giving parents and families the tools to demand high-quality schools for their children. CPS will develop a strategic plan for the Chicago Leadership Academy and partners will be announced to recruit, support and retain high-performing school leaders, principals and teachers. The City will transform early childhood education to reach more young children with quality programs. And more options will be identified for youth who have dropped out of school to begin taking classes again.  

Developing a Thriving Economic Environment

The City will integrate economic development planning with the City's business and financial management. Within the first 100 days, the Mayor-elect will convene business leaders to develop job growth strategies for targeted industries. Partners will be identified to develop and implement a coordinated strategy to support entrepreneurs, to engage minority and women entrepreneurs broadly, and to benchmark Chicago new business formation against other markets. And to prepare people for jobs that businesses need to fill, the City will increase coordination between workforce development efforts and the business community. Additionally, a site for a new technology campus will be identified and funding will be secured.

Increasing Transparency and Accountability

Through executive order, the Mayor-elect will close the revolving door between government service and lobbying. A searchable, easy-to-read version of the city budget will be posted online for all Chicagoans to see. To reform the TIF system, the City will convene a panel of experts tasked with making the process more transparent and focused on measuring the impact of our investments on community development.

Boosting Access to Quality Housing and Transportation

The City will convene the largest mortgage lenders, banks, policy makers, community housing agencies and realtors to develop an aggressive strategy with a goal of reducing foreclosure and its negative effects on communities in Chicago. A full inventory of abandoned buildings will be completed and the City's Fast Track building abatement program will be restored. To increase efficient and cost-effective transportation options, the City will develop a Bus Rapid Transit pilot program, support transit-oriented community development, and incentivize biking by creating a world-class bike network. The City will also accelerate infrastructure projects that are critical to regional growth.

Creating a Healthy Chicago

The City will convene a summit of community groups, grocery store CEOs, and other stakeholders to tackle food deserts across the city, identifying specific partnerships between businesses, nonprofits and community groups. And the City will develop an ambitious public health plan to set health goals for neighborhoods and individuals across Chicago.