April 27, 2017

Statement from Mayor Emanuel on the Gun Dealer Licensing Bill

Mayor's Press Office    312.744.3334

The Gun Dealer Licensing Bill passing the Senate is an important step to combat gun violence and hold those who enable it accountable. I want to thank Senator Don Harmon, Representative Kathleen Willis, and all our partners in the fight for sensible gun regulations, including the Joyce Foundation, Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence, Brady Campaign and UCAN, for supporting this bill. I look forward to the House of Representatives passing this bill, as well, and codifying these commonsense laws so that we can keep guns away from children at schools, and hold those accountable who continue to sell guns that are used in crimes. Stopping straw buyers from giving guns to criminals is essential to improving public safety, not just here in Chicago, but in every corner of the state and across the Midwest.
