Supervising Elevator Mechanic License

A licensed supervising elevator mechanic has demonstrated knowledge about the safe installation and operation of conveyance devices by holding the national Qualified Elevator Inspector (QEI) credential. A licensed elevator mechanic contractor must be owned by or employ at least one licensed supervising elevator mechanic and a licensed supervising elevator mechanic must either perform or supervise and direct all conveyance device work done by the contractor.

Supervising elevator mechanic licenses are issued by the Department of Buildings.

Frequently Asked Questions

When is a supervising elevator mechanic license required?

To be licensed in the City of Chicago, an elevator mechanic contractor must be owned by or employ at least one supervising elevator mechanic.

All conveyance device work performed by an elevator mechanic contractor must be performed by a licensed supervising elevator mechanic or by employees working under the supervision and direction of a licensed supervising elevator mechanic.

A supervising elevator mechanic may not be the primary supervising elevator mechanic for more than one licensed elevator mechanic contractor.

Are there different types of supervising elevator mechanic licenses?

No, there is only one type of supervising elevator mechanic license.

Who may obtain a supervising elevator mechanic license?

Supervising elevator mechanic licenses are issued to individuals who have experience working with elevators and other types of conveyance devices and hold a current Qualified Elevator Inspector (QEI) certification.

What is required to obtain a supervising elevator mechanic license?

To obtain a supervising elevator mechanic license, an individual must:

  • Be at least 21 years old
  • Have worked as an elevator mechanic for at least four years or have successfully completed an elevator constructor mechanic apprenticeship program that is recognized by the United States Department of Labor
  • Be certified as an elevator inspector in accordance with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers’ ASME QEI-1 standard.

An applicant must provide written verification of their work experience or apprenticeship and QEI certification.

How do I apply for a new supervising elevator mechanic license?

Starting in late May 2022, supervising elevator mechanic license applications are submitted through the City of Chicago Inspections and Permits web portal.

Continental Testing Services processes supervising elevator mechanic license applications on behalf of the Department of Buildings and can provide assistance after you begin an application on the web portal.

How do I renew an existing supervising elevator mechanic license?

Starting in late May 2022, renewals are processed through the City of Chicago Inspections and Permits web portal.

How much does a supervising elevator mechanic license cost?

These fees apply to supervising elevator mechanic licenses:

Fee Type Amount
Initial License Fee $300.00
Renewal Fee (per year) $150.00
Reinstatement Fee (per year or fraction of a year expired) $50.00

How long is a supervising elevator mechanic license valid?

A supervising elevator mechanic license is valid for one year from issuance or renewal.

Ordinances and Rules 

Municipal Code of Chicago, Chapter 4-298: Elevator Mechanic Contractors

This information is provided to help you better understand licensing requirements in the City of Chicago. It may not reflect all conditions, limitations, or exceptions that may apply to a particular situation and is not intended as a substitute for legal advice. To the extent the information on this page differs from the Municipal Code of Chicago or applicable rules, the ordinance or rule controls.