Board reaches final settlement in 4 lobbying cases.

October 26, 2017

At its meeting on July 19, 2017, the Board of Ethics determined violations and assessed appropriate fines in the following seven (7) cases involving unregistered lobbying.  Final settlements have been reached in four cases.  In cases 17011.06, 17011.08, and 17011.10, the Board and the subjects reached settlements, approved by the Board 4-0 on October 25, under which the Board vacated its determinations of violations and fines in exchange for the subjects’ agreement to refrain from engaging in unregistered lobbying for one year and to complete the Board’s annual training for lobbyists.  In case 17011.14.LOB, the subject paid a $25,000 fine, and the subject’s client paid a $2,000 fine.  All these agreements are posted here.

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