Performance Residency: Tend

June 15—July 21, 2024

Chicago Cultural Center, Sidney R. Yates Gallery, 4th Floor North

DCASE Homepage  >  Chicago Cultural Center  >  Artist-in-Residence  >  Performance Residency: Tend


photo by Kristin Weinberg of Tend - directed by Julia Antonick performer - Helen Lee costumes - Jeff Hancock furniture - Jonathan Meyer, Heather LaHood, Jeff Hancock lighting - Jonathan Meyer

(click on image to enlarge)

For the first of two summer performance residencies, the Chicago Cultural Center welcomes Khecari and their project, Tend.

Tend is a service-based performance experience. Structured as a one-hour appointment, the self-care informed dance and music scores simultaneously envelope the audience while leaving space to allow your nervous system to settle and contemplate the inherent power differentials in human interaction. Khecari creates dance works furthering the transformative power of live bodies witnessing live bodies and advocates for the essential role of art within society, of dance within the arts, and of all artists working within the dance ecosystem.


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Chicago Cultural Center

Admission is FREE
Open Daily, 10am–5pm
Exhibitions close 15 minutes before the building closes
(Closed Holidays)

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78 E. Washington St.
Chicago, IL 60602

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  • From the elevated lines: exit at Washington/Wabash and walk east.
  • From the subway: exit at Lake (Red Line) or Washington (Blue Line) and walk east.
  • Served by Michigan Avenue buses 3, 4, 19, 20, 26, 60, 66, 124, 143, 147, 151, 157 and Washington St. buses 4, J14, 20, 56, 66, 147