December 12, 2017

Statement from Mayor Emanuel on San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee

Mayor's Press Office    312.744.3334

"Mayor Ed Lee was passionate about public service, dedicated to the people of San Francisco and deeply devoted to his family and friends. I was proud to call Mayor Lee a friend and colleague, and we were honored by his presence in Chicago just last week as we strengthened our cities’ partnership in the fight against climate change. As San Francisco’s first Asian-American mayor, he was a trailblazer who paved the path to public service for future generations. Mayor Lee stood up for human decency as the leader of a welcoming city, and his tireless work to make San Francisco a stronger, more inclusive home for all its residents will endure. Amy and my thoughts and prayers are with Mayor Lee’s wife, Anita, their daughters Brianna and Tania, their family, friends and the people of San Francisco on this difficult day."
