March 20, 2024

Chicago Department of Aviation Granted Authority to Acquire State-Owned Building Adjacent to Midway International Airport

Mayor's Press Office    312.744.3334

The Chicago Department of Aviation (CDA) will enter into negotiations to acquire the former Army National Guard Midway Armory from the State of Illinois under an ordinance approved by City Council today. 

Located at 5400 W. 63rd St. in the Clearing community area, the four-acre property is located on the north side of West 63rd Street, completely surrounded by Midway International Airport property, including nearby facilities for cargo, private aviation, and Chicago Fire Department operations. The approximately 75,000-square-foot structure has remained vacant since 2017 when the Illinois Army National Guard ceased operations at the base and relocated its unit to Kankakee. 

The ordinance would permit the CDA to enter negotiations with the State to purchase the structure and the land it sits on for fair market value. The purchase would be financed strictly by airport funds, without the use of any local taxpayer dollars. 

The purchase is important to CDA operations for several reasons. First and foremost, acquiring the property allows the CDA to secure that portion of Midway’s perimeter, contributing to the overall safety and security of Midway’s operation. 

The purchase also allows the CDA to retain control of the land that sits immediately adjacent to Midway property, which will help ensure the property’s uses are compatible with airport operations, particularly since a portion of the property lies within the federally regulated Runway Protection Zone (RPZ) for Midway Runway 4R/22L. 

Finally, the property may have future utility for CDA operations, as the existing facility can be used for interior storage of snow removal equipment. 

The sale of the property to the CDA would be contingent on future negotiations with the State of Illinois and approval by the Illinois General Assembly. 

