Revised Chicago Small Cell Rules DRAFT - Public Comments

Over the past several months, the Department of Transportation has been working diligently to revise and update the City of Chicago’s rules for Small Cell installations, as well as create a corresponding set of Design Guidelines for new installations.

Our team has been committed to ensuring the draft rules and guidelines effectively address both public and industry needs, while promoting a safe, efficient, accessible, and aesthetically pleasing urban environment. Additionally, the draft rules are carefully crafted to outline and clearly describe a more streamlined application and approval process for both the city and telecommunications companies.

This release of DRAFT revised rules marks a significant first step towards enhancing our City's telecom infrastructure and better serving our residents and businesses. We are eager to partner with telecom providers to finalize a clear, efficient, and fair set of standards and procedures. Your expertise and input are vital to this effort, and we appreciate your collaboration.

Now, the Department is interested in hearing feedback on this draft Small Wireless Facilities on City Poles Rules. Specifically, the Department seeks input on any proposed additions, changes, deletions, or clarifications on this draft. Your input will be taken into consideration for incorporation into the rules.

Small Wireless Facilities On City Poles Rules (Draft)

Please use the link below for your comments.

CDOT Rules for Small Wireless Facilities on City Poles: Comment Form

The comment period is open until the close of business on September 30, 2023.