April 2024 Plan Commission Hearing


Address (Community Area, Ward) Agenda Description Materials (posted by Wednesday, April 3 Draft Presentation (posted by Monday, April 15)
3111 E. 77th St.
(South Shore, 7th Ward)

A proposed Lake Michigan and Chicago Lakefront Protection Ordinance application, submitted by Norflo Holding Corporation, for the property generally located at 3111 East 77th Street. The property is currently zoned POS-1 (Parks and Open Space) and is within the Public Use Zone of the Lake Michigan and Chicago Lakefront Protection District. The applicant proposes the construction of a 4536-square-foot outdoor deck at Rainbow Beach Park. The outdoor deck will contain a shade structure and seating space.

LPO Application


Public Comments

4041, 4115 & 4147 W. Ogden Ave. and
2309 S. Keeler Ave.
(North Lawndale, 22nd Ward)

A proposed Industrial Planned Development within the Roosevelt/Cicero Industrial Corridor, submitted by IDIL Ogden, LLC, for the property generally located at 4041, 4115 & 4147 West Ogden Avenue and 2309 S. Keeler Avenue. The applicant is proposing to rezone the site from M1-2 (Limited Manufacturing/Business Park) and C2-2 (Motor Vehicle-Related Commercial District) first to a unified M1-2 (Limited Manufacturing/Business Park) designation, and then to an Industrial Planned Development. The applicant proposes to construct a 48’ tall industrial building containing 246,200 square feet of space and 271 accessory parking spaces, 47 tractor trailer parking and 26 loading berths. The overall FAR (Floor Area Ratio) of the planned development will be 0.38.

PD Application


Public Comments

303 W. Division St.,
1140 N. Wells St. & 202 W. Hill St.
(Near North Side, 27th Ward)

A proposed amendment to Planned Development 136, submitted by Onni Atrium Development No. 1 Limited Partnership, for the property generally located at 303 West Division, 1140 North Wells, and 202 West Hill Streets. The applicant proposes to add “medical service” and “animal services” as permitted uses in Subarea A. There will be no new construction or changes to the existing complex.

PD Amendment Application


Public Comments

116-138 S. Paulina St.
(Near West Side, 27th Ward)

A proposed Residential-Business Planned Development, submitted by The City Church Fellowship, for the property generally located at 116-138 South Paulina Street. The applicant proposes to rezone the site from C1-3 (Neighborhood Commercial District) to the B3-5 (Community Shopping District) and then to a Residential-Business Planned Development. The proposed planned development will be developed in multiple phases. Phase 1, a 1,500-seat auditorium worship space with adjoining retail, café, and administrative office areas. The two-story building will include a loading dock and accessory spaces.  Phase 2, subject to site plan approval, will expand the development with a two-story building comprising multi-purpose and conference rooms, youth programming and child-care areas, and shared administrative and business office space. Phase 3, subject to site plan approval, may include up to 76 residential units above the Phase 2 building. The maximum overall height is 184 feet and the overall FAR of the development will not exceed 5.0.

PD Application


Public Comments

734 N. Milwaukee Ave.,
736 N. Milwaukee Ave.,
700 N. Carpenter St., and
1040 W. Huron St.
(West Town, 27th Ward)

A proposed amendment to Residential Business Planned Development 1396, submitted by 730 N Milwaukee LLC, for the property generally located at 734 N. Milwaukee Avenue, 736 N. Milwaukee Avenue, 700 N. Carpenter Street, and 1040 W. Huron Street. The applicant proposes to convert the existing three-story office building into 32 residential units, which will result in a total of 228 residential units in the existing planned development.

PD Amendment Application


Public Comments

700 W. Chicago Ave.
(West Town, 27th Ward)

A proposed amendment to Waterway Residential-Business Planned Development No. 1399, submitted by Onni 700 West Chicago LLC, for the property generally located at 700 W. Chicago Avenue. The Applicant requests an amendment to the existing planned development to permit the construction of a multi-building planned development across multiple sub-areas with a maximum height of 650 feet and consisting of 2,451 dwelling units, 1,950 parking spaces, 280 hotel keys, commercial and retail uses with accessory and incidental uses. A 3.1 FAR (Floor Area Ratio) bonus will be taken and the maximum overall FAR of the planned development will be 8.1.

PD Amendment Application


5730 W. Roosevelt Rd.
(Austin, 29th Ward)

A proposed amendment to Institutional Planned Development #933 submitted by UHS of Hartgrove, Inc dba Hartgrove Behavior Health Systems and UHS of Delaware, Inc., for the property generally located at 5730 West Roosevelt Road. The applicant is proposing to rezone the site from Institutional Planned Development #933 and M2-2 (Light Industry District) to a C2-2 (Motor Vehicle-Related Commercial District) and then to Institutional Planned Development #933, as amended. The applicant proposes to construct a one-story building addition to accommodate additional patient rooms, the expansion will also add an additional (22) surface parking spaces. The overall FAR (Floor Area Ratio) of the planned development will be 2.2.

PD Amendment Application


2746 N. Clybourn Ave.
(Lincoln Park, 32nd Ward)

A proposed amendment to Waterway Business Planned Development 728, submitted by Costco Wholesale Corporation, for the property generally located at 2746 North Clybourn Avenue. The applicant proposes to amend Planned Development 728 to expand the boundary to include 2626 North Clybourn Avenue, make landscape improvements, add a 14,120 square foot addition to the warehouse, and add 67 parking spaces.

PD Amendment Application


Public Comments


An informational presentation on the 2024 update to the Chicago Sustainable Development Policy (SDP). The SDP requires projects that receive certain types of funding or zoning approvals from the City to include sustainable design elements that help improve energy efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and improve building performance. The 2024 update proposes refinements to several of the current SDP menu strategies, removes obsolete strategies, and adds new strategies and building certifications to respond to changing regulations, priorities, and technologies. The draft SDP update will be made available for a 30-day public comment period on DPD’s website beginning on April 15, 2024. 



Public Comments


An informational presentation on the Harlem Avenue Visioning Study. The study sets forth a big-picture vision for potential future projects along Harlem Avenue and identifies areas of greatest need, opportunities, and aspirations. The Visioning Study area consists of a two-mile stretch of Harlem Avenue, spanning from Irving Park Road to Grand Avenue in the Dunning and Montclare Community Areas. This corridor is located within two wards and two community areas with a diverse set of local resident and business owner perspectives and priorities. The study considers public right of way improvements along the Harlem Avenue corridor to enhance the public realm, improve safety and circulation, provide storefront recommendations, identify new open spaces for gatherings and events, create branding options for the corridor and locations with a history of Italian and Italian American businesses, locate gateway identifiers for the focus areas that welcome visitors to the area, identifies opportunity sites for new businesses, and outline an implementation framework to guide a future streetscape project. 

 Draft Report


Public Comments

Chicago Plan Commission
April 18, 2024
Public Notice | Agenda | Map | Planning Region Map | Video | Minutes